I am not a dedicated raider, but I love raiding. Since I can never commit to the raiding schedules that guilds require of their raiders, I am in a constant state of pugging. When I'm not actively in a pug, I am scanning the trade channel looking for one that will have all the qualities required to be successful- gear, experience, patience, and maybe a little bit of luck. When I find such a group, I'm ecstatic. But more often than not, I face group after group of impatient, inexperienced, and under geared scrubs who simply want to be carried to the final boss so they can get their [EPIC LOOT] Those groups often end in a way that everyone who has ever pugged is familiar with- people getting frustrated and leaving. But every now and then, there is a group that fails so bad, the fail is almost a win, in and of itself, for being such a unique level of fail.

Those are the groups this blog is about.

Friday, December 31, 2010

This Dungeon Is In Progress

...Oh, crap.

The queue that I always dread getting as a healer or tank. There's only three possible outcomes.

#1- The previous healer or tank was SSOOOOOOO terrible, that the group was willing to vote them out and wait FOREVER to get a new healer or tank. As we all know, that is a longass wait.

#2-DC/ Cat's on fire/ Goldfish is drowning/ ninja/ <Insert other shitty reason to leave here>

#3- The previous healer or tank left because the group was SSSOOOOOOOO terrible, that they were willing to deal with their deserter debuff and get another group.

More often than not, it's the third reason. When I encounter that kind of a queue, I close my eyes, take a deep breath, open my eyes, wait ten or fifteen seconds to give them time to finish wiping if their healer/tank left midpull, then enter the dungeon.

I then die because I should have waited one second longer.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to tank and kill the Whale Shark

So I guess wow champion didn't like my guide submission, because it got totally deleted last night, along with about 200 others. Whatever. Here's the guide I submitted.

Whale Shark
Level ? Boss
780631 - 11159297 Damage
110920 Armor
9686250 Health
Cannot be tamed

Whale Shark is the giant behemoth that patrols the underwater zone of Vashj'ir and like the Fel Reavers of Hellfire Peninsula, Whale Shark has the uncanny ability to sneak up on unsuspecting players. Unlike the Fel reavers, Whale Shark has an achievement. This guide will talk you through tanking, kiting, and killing Whale Shark.

Rangedisplay addon in action.

  • The first step tanks are going to want to take is to go and get an addon that will display your range from a mob. I used rangedisplay from curse.com.Set it up however you like, but you're going to want Whale Sharks distance from you up front and center.

  • Tanking Whale Shark involves some heavy kiting. You should be constantly moving away from Whale Shark. If you linger too close to Whale Shark, he will one shot you, regardless of class or gear. The closest you're going to want to get to whale shark is 9 meters. At the same time that you're staying away from Whale Shark, you don't want to venture too far. If you get too far away from Whale Shark, he will reset. The furthest you can go is 20 meters. It's best to stay at 19 though, to avoid risking it.

  • Practice with Whale Shark. It's gonna take a little bit of practice to master maintaining the necessary range. Remember- 9-19 meters. There are two methods to doing this. The first is the one I prefer using- the turning method. You face away from Whale Shark while swimming away, then turn and face him when you need to attack, then turn and swim away again. The second method is just to swim backwards while attacking him. Whichever you use, even just a couple minutes of practice will prepare you to not fail once a group is formed.
    This is what you should be looking atwhen you pull.

  • Making the initial pull: The initial pull needs to be done from teeth level of Whale Shark. Just swim right up to his grill, about 30 meters out, then wait for him to come into your ideal tanking range. Do not pull from above or below this area. The reason for this is that the vertical range is not as accurate as the horizontal one and even when your range addon says you're far enough away, your run from the graveyard will say something different.

  • Build threat before letting dps do their thing. I recommend making them wait for at least a minute. If you have rogues, they can start ToTing you on cd. Same with hunters and MD. When dps does begin, they need to do so slowly. Omen is incredibly useful in this fight and dps needs to pay close attention to their threat. Periodically, or whenever they begin to creep up on the tank, dps can reset their agro by swimming out of range of Whale Shark.

  • Take Whale Shark towards the surface. There are fewer mobs up there to agro. If you have issues with your camera clipping above and below the surface, settle for a few meters below. While kiting Whale Shark watch your map, or assign someone to watch their map and give you directions to avoid dragging him out to a fatigue area.

  • DPS should be resetting their agro, but if somebody does pull, tanks can get Whale Shark back under control. Tanks need to get back in the ideal tanking range(9-19 meters) and get a successful taunt off. In this situation, tanks need to be extremely cautious not to get too close.

The above information is for all tanks and groups. Occasionally, dps will be unable to locate a tank for their group. Have no fear- Because Whale Shark is kited, he does not require a traditional tank. Any class can tank and kite him. He can even be solo'd be anyone with the appropriate amount of time and patience. Below is information for groups without a traditional tank. Bear in mind, all of the above still applies.
  • For a group without a traditional tank, I recommend two or three of the highest agro classes in the group go ahead and get an addon to display their range. Rangedisplay is what I use. Again, feel free to configure it how you like.

  • I'm going to put a lot of emphasis on stacking. Place raid markers on your tanks and stack the entire group on those markers. A group without a traditional tank will be lacking the taunts available to other groups. When everyone is stacked on top of each other and somebody pulls off of the tanks, a taunt will be unnecessary because they'll all be stacked. Additionally, stacked groups have a higher chance of survivability when somebody pulls agro than if everyone is spread out.

  • Drop agro. Drop agro, drop agro. As I mentioned before, dps can drop agro by simply swimming out of Whale Sharks 20 meter hitbox. Dropping agro will result in a cleaner kill and a smaller repair bill.

Here is the video tutorial outlining the above information, and showing it all put to use.

You should now be well on your way to your achievement.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Whale Shark, Version 2.0.

So after my last post, Whale Shark 1.0, I set out on a mission- I was going to kill Whale Shark. I was going to avenge the death of my toon and countless others. I did what any internet savvy geek would do.

I googled.

Surprisingly, I was unable to locate any guides. I did find a few blips here and there by individuals who had killed him, detailing their trial and error and what had been successful. I also ran across numerous funny stories detailing the pwnage whale shark dished out. But I could not find a definitive guide to lead me on my way. I decided that I would go on what I could find, and when I was successful, I would take everything I learned to make a guide for other adventurers.

After my humiliating defeat, I learned they Whale Sharks hit box was very... strange. Too far away, and my toon somehow lost the ability to see Whale Shark. I don't know how to explain it. People in Stormwind and Orgrimmar would look over into the ocean and see Whale Shark without difficulty. But my toon, a mere 25 meters away, was having issues. Too close and I started having nightmares of a giant gaping mouth with teeth.

I set out to find and locate an addon to show me my exact range. Rangedisplay at curse.com was the first one I came across and it fit my needs perfectly. I configured it to show my focus's range, and to make small dings when I had gone above 18 meters and when I had dropped below 9. Lemme tell you, those few meters of working space that you have feel very tight and make tanking Whale Shark a little unnerving.

Once I had my addon, I started practicing. I didn't get a group, because I didn't want to waste anyone's time while I learned what a narrow margin for error I was going to have to work with. Whale Shark resets above 20 meters, and kills you at 5. I found that working with the 5 meter intervals rangedisplay shows worked for me. I would move in front of him until I was displaying 15-20, then sit still till I dropped down to 10-15. The move forward again. When my judgement was off of CD, I turned, waited till the meter ticket the 8-10 mark, then judgemented as I was turning and swimming back to the 15-20 range.

It was difficult to not get too far in front of him, but mostly, to build acceptable threat. Because I couldn't just sit there and wail away on Whale Shark to build their agro the traditional way, I was left with judgement, consecrate, avengers shield, and yelling at him (hand of reckoning). I knew it was going to take me a long time to build a good amount of threat on Whale Shark. Often, DPS is anxious to get on the road, and there will almost certainly be a Go Guy somewhere in the group. People don't like sitting around watching a tank play with the critter they're supposed to be killing.

After a few days of practice- I formed my group. I grabbed guildies, other PAA members on Dark Iron, and headed to the zone. Once there, I made someone assistant and they grabbed a couple other people who wanted the achiev.

The challenge lied in constantly moving, maintaining the correct range, and keeping Whale Shark too occupied to go and smash the rest of the group. I found out that eventually, somebody will invariably pull agro. A coulpe times when this happened, I was able to get Whale Shark back under control. But the margin for error to regain agro is infinitely smaller than simply tanking the Whale Shark. When somebody pulls agro, if that person is not stacked on the tank, Whale Shark will turn and chase said person. That will change Whale Sharks direction of movement and distance from the tank. As I said, it is possible to get Whale Shark back under control. You can see in the video at the end of this post the couple times he turns from me and I successfully get him back. you can also see the one time that I wasn't successful.

My next post will be the guide that I am submitting to wow champion for their guide contest(wish me luck!)


Monday, December 27, 2010

What if it's your guild?

It's only too easy for me to bash on PUGs. They're... Well, they're PUGs. They need no further explanation. And generally, they deserve every bit of bashing that is thrown their way.

Now organized runs in guilds, those are different. It is basically understood that when you join a guild, you're joining a somewhat like minded group of individuals to take on group projects. That includes raids, dungeons, battlegrounds, world bosses.... etc. Most guilds (good guilds) require some sort of application process and it is during that application process that an individuals experience is established. Generally, that experience will weigh towards whether or not an invitation is extended. Sometimes, no-so-much. Granted, unless the guild is an exceptionally top end raiding guild (Paragon comes to mind) there are bound to be extreme casuals, "I know X, invite please" and that one guy who always seems to be in the fire.

I encountered a guild run this weekend that rivaled most PUGs I end up with. Now I will agree that sometimes people just have an off day. And of course, with Cataclysm so new, most everyone is still learning what to do and what not to do. Those two things combined had me feeling like I was in a group of bads who had all managed to slip through a crack in the application process.

The stage was Heroic Throne of the Tides. The antagonist was Lady Naz’jar. The scene of events that unfolded was party members out of range, an occasional shock blast that went uninterrupted, party members getting caught in whirlwinds, myself getting caught in whirlwinds also as I tried to keep everyone healed, adds running amok and uncontrolled, and wipe, after wipe, after wipe. Thankfully, the graveyard was closeby. I really couldn't tell you if I was to blame or if they were to blame, or if Lady Naz'jar was to blame. I know that nearly everyone, myself included, would get caught up in whirlwinds and for that everyone, myself included, was to blame. But that didn't seem to be the only issue. After 15 or 20 attempts or so(I didn't keep track, but I think I should have) I finally let them know I was too annoyed with it and left.

But seriously, what if it's your guild? You can't exactly nerdrage, or you risk not getting invites again. You can't really just bail out with no reason or a really lame excuse- that'll come back to bite you in the ass also. And you sure can't go on and on about how terrible they are and that they need to l2p in caps lock or you'll risk a Gkick.

So my question for you, loyal readers, is what do you do when it's your guild?


Friday, December 24, 2010

A prime example of a bad.

So Ricket FINALLY popped up and I took my little priest up to the jadefang alcove to camp for my minipet. I decided I didn't want to just be sitting there for HOURS doing nothing, so I joined a queue. After a bit it popped- "Dungeon is in progress"

Well that means the group either failed altogether, or the healer got pissed off and left. I really don't like joining dungeons in progress because of the recipe for epic failure. I took a deep breath, pressed accept, and promptly got smacked in the face with a terribad.

THIS is what I saw when I loaded in to the middle of grim batol. I know it's not a particularly difficult dungeon, but healing it is massively easier when there's some kind of CC up and running, and since this group had a mage and a lock, keeping CC up should have been no issue.

Well the baddie from the group was the tank. Thought I should point that out.They're the worst kind of bad, because groups will be reluctant to kick them out for their badness. Nobody wants to wait for a tank to queue in.

Moving along. The lock and the mage did use their CC things and it was going fairly smoothly, till this bad ran up to a group before they could CC and started letting all the mobs smack him. After healing him through the pounding he was willingly taking and nearly going completely oom, he decided it was a good time to pipe up with a "see, we don't need CC" comment.

Bads. Please, Please, PLEASE L2P!!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Shifting Perspectives: The unbearable suckhood of pugging

I swear, this writer is after my own heart. Linked below is their post, which is completely on spot.


I recommend following the link to get the full effect of it, go and read it. For a quick flyby, here are a few excerpts:
A Throne of the Tides dungeon finder group.
Allie: ... So this is the skull; I'll root the melee mob over here. Shammy, can you Hex this dude? Mage, can you sheep the healer? I've marked her with the moon.
Shaman: No problem.
Mage: (silence)
Allie: (foolishly assumes that silence implies consent) LOS pulling.
The entire group minus the Hexed and rooted mob aggros. Allie, who is line-of-sighting behind a wall, watches the pull go to hell as the group opens fire on the skull. The ranged mobs stop dead in their tracks, the melee aggro the group due to DoTs and AoE, and the unsheeped healer mob keeps healing the others to full.
Allie: (Feral Charge) (Challenging Roar) (cooldown cooldown cooldown)
Allie: Mage, if you could sheep the next moon, that'd be great; it's just gonna keep healing, otherwise.
Mage: No.
Allie: Jigga-what?
Mage: Just tank this s%&t, you don't need to CC here.

I swear to god, I ran into that exact mage. I was healing a lost city run and the tank was busy with two or three mobs, while a caster sat at range and threw handfuls of colorful pwnage into my face. I asked the mage to CC said mob and was advised that he had been here several times and hadn't CC'd a single time, and that this instance was just a tank n spank instance. He further advised that he wasn't going to waste *his* mana CC'ing something that didn't need it. I suppose he prefered me wasting my mana to heal myself instead of the tank. Thankfully, the group had a paladin who agreed the mage was an idiot and who kept the ranged mob stunned from there on out. (I love you, mystery paladin)
The final boss, Erudax, in heroic Grim Batol. The group has run back after a wipe.
Allie: Okay, that was a good attempt, but we need to switch DPS to the adds a lot faster. They spawn straight after Shadow Gale, so be prepared to run. Ready?
Rogue: r
Priest: r
Warlock: r
Ret paladin: r
Allie: (pulls)
Warlock: (keeps DPSing Erudax after Shadow Gale)
Rest of group: Adds?
Warlock: (keeps DPSing Erudax)
Rest of group: Adds? Hello? Bueller?
Allie: Goddammit.
Allie Feral Charges one of the adds and helps to DPS it down, because she is awesome. The group wipes on the next add phase.
Warlock: (posts damage meters showing himself at the top)
Allie: (hunts around for the aspirin bottle located somewhere around the laundry bin)


That's about all there is to say to this one. I've never really liked the recount guy. EVER. He's generally stupid, annoying, and too busy stroking his own *filtered for the children* to actually be useful. More often than not, his refusal to follow basic instructions is more harmful to the group than his dps is helpful.
A heroic Stonecore dungeon finder group.
Tank: Everyone ready?
Allie: Sure. Are you going to mark the p-
Tank: (pulls)
Allie: (to herself at the computer) This will end in tears. Probably mine.
Nobody: (interrupts the Stonecore Earthshaper)
Stonecore Earthshaper: Whoo! AoE! Heal through this, sucka!
Stonecore Berserker: Sweet, I can Spinning Slash through the melee and tank and NO ONE WILL MOVE OUT OF IT.
Allie: (heals like crazy and goes OOM).
Pull: (finally dies for some unaccountable reason)
Tank: (runs to the next pull)
Allie: Mana!
Tank: Are you going to have to drink after every pull? This place is going to take ages if you do.

I'm gonna be honest with you here- I haven't moved on to heroics. Because I am Horde at heart, and my current guild is... alliance, I'm a bit of an outsider. I think they're just racist against the Horde. Regardless- it is incredibly difficult for me to get guild groups, so I do a lot of pugging. So far, even with more than an adequate ilvl to move on to heroics, I am sticking with regulars. There are a couple reasons for this.

  1. All these dungeons are new, people are still learning wtf to do. Myself included. I would rather learn in a regular and then progress to heroics, rather than stumble into a heroic and watch the group scatter when I announce that "I've never been here before."

  2. The same as I don't want to make others suffer through my learning curve, I don't want to suffer through anyone else's learning curve.

  3. PUG's suck. Even in regulars, I am rarely getting grouped with anyone who still deserves to be in the gene pool. I would quite possibly be the next viral youtube nerdrager if I tried running a heroic pug.

All that said, even in regulars, I am managing to burn through mana faster than that Qur'an burning pastor burned through media coverage. It is necessary for me to drink, if not every pull, then at least every other. This is with groups who are actually doing mostly everything right. Forget groups who manage to do everything possible wrong. In that situation, I'm keeping all my mana recovery abilites on CD as well as needing to drink all the time.

I would like to welcome all scrubs to Cataclysm. We are no longer in WotLK. Sorry, but we're not blasting through instances in 15 minutes or less anymore. Relax. Sit back. Take your time, and do it right. If your healer has to drink, let them drink. In case you missed the memo, they're the healer. Their mana determines the pace of the group. Ignoring this basic rule will invariably result in a corpse run. There are some great healers who can heal every kind of "oops" imaginable. But unfortunately, it is incredibly difficult for even the best among us to heal stupid. Even those of us who manage to heal stupid can only do so a long as we have mana. No mana, no heals, no shiny new loot.


Again, Go and read the original post over at http://wow.joystiq.com/2010/12/22/shifting-perspectives-the-unbearable-suckhood-of-pugging/#continued It's a great post!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Whale Shark

The Burning Crusade had the Fel Reaver in Hellfire Peninsula. A mechanical monstrosity whose footsteps shook the zone, and whose mighty shadow sent noobs and veterans alike fleeing for safety and punished those foolish enough to stand their ground.

For awhile.

Wrath of The Lich King had Thrym in Zul'Drak. A frankenstein-ish horror who patrolled a lonely section of road, crushing AFK-ers and travelers who ventured close enough beneath his massive foot.

...For awhile.

Cataclysm has introduced yet another great behemoth- the Whale Shark. The Whale Shark, who laughs at science as much as he laughs at tanks.
Whale Shark has asked me to let you know that it is displeased by your tone, and to deliver the following message:
Whale Shark is the devourer of the slow moving and inattentive. This includes plankton, whales, and AFK players. Whale Shark swims where and how it pleases. Whale Shark /spits on your science.

-Daxxarri, us.battle.net forums

The Whale Shark, who inspires epic stories of defeat.
Thought i should share my experience of whaleshark. Me and five or so guildies were questing in the area killing Naga and whatnot, when i noticed a small yellow dot on the corner of my minimap. I began to swim over to mine said dot when i noticed it... whaleshark! With his big funny mouth and little beady eyes! I called the guys over and we went about discussing if we could take it or not. We decided tank'n'spank was the best course of action and off i charged, in full gnomish glory! Devistate hit 6k, than 8 and sheild slam for 10k! Rawr! All whaleshark did was blink. It was that blink that hit me so hard it disbanded my guild and deleted my account. Curse, vent, every expansion uninstalled. Even the desktop icon and my background of chromie gone. I had to log onto the guild forum to find out what was going on! It turns out the rest of the guild tried to run but to no avail, whaleshark opened his huge mouth and hit them all with 560k effortlessly. Anyone wearing metal had his armour shattered, the casters were stripped naked and one druid had his tree form turned into tooth picks. It was terrible. And as if that wasnt enough, whaleshark grew a hand and reached through my screen, flipped me off, inapropriatly touched my girlfriend and punched my cat. Im still traumatised. Apparently everynight before he goes to bed, Chuck Norris checks under his bed for whaleshark...

-Abigaile, wowhead comment

The Whale Shark, who obliterates tanks with a with a mere look and causes clothies to implode, leaving behind only a few air bubbles that drift to the surface.

I was foolish enough to go and mess around with whale shark. In the words of Illidan Stormrage- I was not prepared! Whale Shark demolished me, my party, and judging by the screams echoing through the zone, I think he also killed everyone else as well, merely as retribution for me interrupting his afternoon tea. To be fair, I was unprepared. I hadn't researched the fight or established what was necessary to kill him. Hubris led me to saunter over to him with a group of seven, two or three of them a mere 81-83. After a thorough thrashing by Whale Shark, we disbanded and fled the scene. I don't like to think of it as running away. I prefer calling it a tactical retreat. Whale Shark may have won that battle, but I guarantee, he will not win the war.

OMG! They're rolling in packs, now!  /runaway!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Hero!

Taken from Ghostcrawler's post:
I’m not trying to bash pugs here, but I am amazed at how often a nuker will pick a random target instead of the one being tanked, then blame the tank for not holding aggro (and then blame the healer when they die).

My Hero! In short- Bads, please stop being bad.

Monday, December 13, 2010

When the lfg system isn't enough...

Back in the day, which was a wednesday, btw, when you wanted to find a group you searched in trade chat, or in the local zone where you were. You found dps quickly, then struggled to pull in a tank and a healer as well. Then the party attempted to figure out who was going to go to the actual dungeon to summon people there. Nobody wanted to do it. Usually, by the time the group was formed and everyone was summoned, somebody would key in with a helpful "guys, I gotta go soon, so lets hurry." The group would then be rushed to try and complete BRD, and would wipe. Somebody would inevitably get lost running back from the graveyard-usually the guy who just HAD to be summoned. The group would then be demolished.

The whole process was rather time consuming, annoying, and tedious.

Blizzard then saw fit to introduce the lfg system, and all our problems were solved. Mostly.

*sigh* But Blizzard did manage to sort through those issues, and the lfg system is, from my perspective, a huge success. As a healer and a tank, I am able to find a group quickly by using it. Yeah, yeah, insert dps qq right here. Whatever.

At least, I thought it was whatever. Then, I started getting these lovely little tells from random people:

...wtf? Dude. I'm busy. Questing, AH-ing, Filing my nails. Whatever. Does it really matter? If I wanted to be in a group, I would be, by merely clicking the join queue button and blinking. Why would I even dream of grouping with somebody too lazy or stupid to use the lfg system? And thank you for fitting your huntard stereotype.

I suppose I can sympathize with people who don't wan't to be stuck with a bunch of randoms. PUGs suck, there's no denying that. But /who-ing to try to get a group is no better. If you're really that sick of the groups you get with the lfg system, consider using your guild. At the very least, please annoy only people in your friends list who have approved you to annoy them. If all else fails.... do quests. Amazingly enough, you can actually get xp from those. (who knew?!)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Random Blue Post

First of all, I am blown away by the detail put into the underwater zones, but I got a chuckle out of the new Whale Shark mobs swimming around. I love the way they look, but they have one major flaw. Someone must have goofed and started with a “whale” skeleton instead of a “shark” one and used the whale animations, because they swim with the up-and-down motion of the in game whales. Not the (correct) side-to-side motion of a shark. Anyone else sit there gawking at them and wondering how in the world that got by the QC department? I laughed.


Whale Shark has asked me to let you know that it is displeased by your tone, and to deliver the following message:

Whale Shark is the devourer of the slow moving and inattentive. This includes plankton, whales, and AFK players.

Whale Shark swims where and how it pleases. Whale Shark /spits on your science.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cata Dungeon Locations

With the cata expansion, we have new dungeons to jump in and grind for reputation.
or... maybe.
Now you are required to find said dungeons before you can queue for them. I have provided a nice little link that gives directions and screenshots:

Monday, December 6, 2010

Lets do this shiit!

Aight Blizz. I've got the rest of the week off work. I've got my scooby snacks. I've got my tasty drinks and my energy potions. I have pee'd already. I've even removed my pantz for maximum comfort.



I've seen a few multi-boxers before. Wearing the same outfits and gear, all stacked up so closely it almost appears your video card is having a minor glitch. But until now, I've never seen them anywhere except out and about, in town or out questing.

This weekend, I ran into a group that had a multi-boxer playing three toons. Normally, I see shammy's, but this was three boomchickens. I'm gonna be honest, I was a bit aprehensive when I saw that. It's all fine and dandy for a multi-boxer to be out doing their own thing, but I'm not entirely confident in their ability to effectively dungeon with other people. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against them, and am all for them doing what they do. However, some dungeons require versatility, flexability, and the use of utility abilities. You need to be able to move, maintain control of mobs, watch agro, respond to buffs and debuffs, etc. All of that needs to be done in realtime, without pause. A single person controlling a single toon is more than capable of doing all those and more. But a single person controlling more than one toon becomes more limited in what they can effectively do.

I will admit, I have never tried multiboxing. I may be missing the perspective necessary to put out a complete and thorough argument. But it's simply my belief that they're not as capable as they could be.

Moving on. This weekend, I ran into my first pug that had a multiboxer. Three boomchickens, all with the same, slightly predictable, guildname- <Multi-Box>. I was apprehensive, but ran with it, and was pleasantly surprised. He put out acceptable dps, rarely pulled, moved where he needed to, etc. He even behaved correctly for the final boss in Nexus. My opinion of multi boxers has improved, but Nexus is old news, and Cata will be hitting in about 12 hours. I stand by my belief that a multiboxer will lag behind the rest of us who play individul toons.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Guild Shenanigans

It's fairly common to run into groups full of guildmates, grouped together for companionship or to run a lower level guildy through a dungeon for either XP or gear. Occasionally there will be shenanigans- strange "inside jokes", agro contests, MD-ing to a random group member(heals-eep!) and doing crazy pulls or other stupid shit.

Occasionally, there will be a guild run that will simply boggle the mind of the random lfg-er who got sucked into it. This past weekend, I'm sure my guild <Blizzcon AfterParty> did just that- confused and baffled some poor sap who got grouped with us by the lfg finder.

Behold, an achievement that we, in our boredom, invented. All three bosses in halls of stone, downed withing 15 seconds of each other. It should be noted that this is on regular. If an achievement did get implemented, I would prefer that it be on heroic, and require nobody to die.

Strategy involves moving the three bosses in a circle to keep out of the black voids. Party members get thrown back, stoned, and then explode, causing damage to nearby party members. There are also a small amount of adds which will flock to the healer. Achievement requires  movement, awareness and survivability.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

SW Raid

To counter my org raid post, and because I am Horde at heart and was bored, I went through SW and created a map and strategy.

The first thing you're going to notice is that there are not nearly as many auctioneer's, bankers, and innkeepers as in Org. This is actually good. You can theoretically control the city with fewer raids.

Raid1- Only one raid should be necessary for the Dwarven District. The alliance population there is exceptionally low. It will however be an entry point for all alliance coming from Ironforge. This raid needs to be prepared for that.

Raid2&3- The trade district has an incredibly high concentration of alliance players. Because of this, I'm suggesting two raids to handle this area. One raid may be able to handle it, but two will keep it comfortably under control. Should there be a lull in this area and R1 needs assistance, R3 can peel off and go assist there.

Raid 4&5-  King Wrynn's room. The horde has an advantage that the alliance does not in raiding each others main cities. King Wrynn's fortress has multiple rooms and entrances. The red lines on my map indicate areas in the fortress where flyers can land, and immediately launch an assault- providing at least thirty seconds of dps on King Wrynn before the bulk of the alliance arrives to interfere. The price of that advantage is more guards already posted in his room that will have to be dealt with. His fortress handily provides another advantage- a separate room from which to heal, res, and summon reinforcements. It should be noted that room needs to be cleared out beforehand- it comes equipped with two battlemasters. King Wrynn's room has two entrances, a long hallway lined with guards, and landing platform I mentioned above. Keep in mind, that the alliance can also take advantage of that landing area. Don't get caught with your pants down. Assign a raid to lock down those two entrances. When opposition is light, they can switch to Wrynn.


The horde has another advantage that I feel the alliance does not have- LOS. Whereas Org is very flat and open, SW is full of buildings, cramped streets and handy nooks and crannies. I highly recommend utilizing rooftops, and line of sight by entering buildings and running around corners. A notation about SW banks- they are very roomy, and provide a good "base of operations" to settle down in. DPS should lay down aoe after aoe directly *outside* the door, while healers stay towards the rear. Warlocks can set up summoning stones in one of the back rooms, and healers should be capable of dropping combat back there to res anyone who dies. There is also plenty of room for mages to set up ports when everyone is ready to leave.

Post cata edit- It should be noted that the dwarven district recieves much more activity now, due to its proximity to the portals that access the new cata zones.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Org raid

So. A couple weeks ago we held the center plateau, where all the transportation is based out of. We comfortably held that for three hours with three raids, then got bored and left.

The horde in turn talked smack about how it didn't matter and how we hadn't disrupted anything because the bankers and auctioneers hadn't been killed. They even scoffed that we didn't take out garrosh(forgeting the fact that he's keyed for level 85 raids)

I'm trying to formulate a strategy to completely lock down the city. One that doesn't require more than a couple hundred people. I want to keep all the banks and auctionhouses shut down, while at the same time taking out garrosh.

I believe that it is possible to shut down the city with a mere four full raids. Five would make it comfortable, but four I think would be acceptable.

Raid 1&2- Garrosh's building. I'd like a healthy number of tanks because I hear he hits like a freekin truck. Healers are also necessary. R1 will focus on Garrosh and guards while R2 handles the chokepoint in the doorway, taking out any horde who attempt to interefere. If no horde is present, R2 can swap to Garrosh, and if a large push of horde comes, R1 can assist in wiping that up.

Raid3- R3 will be in charge of valley of strength auctioneers and bankers. This area will have an entire raid due to it being heavily populated by horde. I recomend healers and ranged utilizing rooftops. Due to this raid being in a high population area and the fact that they will be taking the brunt of counter raids, they will be able to call on R4 at any time for assistance.

Raid4&5- R4 will be incredibly mobile and in charge of a large area. They will be moving between the valley's of honor, wisdom, spirits, and the transportation hub. Their job will be to take out auctioneers, bankers, and the flight master. Due to the spread out nature of this raids job, it is ideal to have a R5. R4 will likely be required to stop and assist with cleanup in valley of strength, but should not be their primary focus unless R3 is getting hit heavily.


This strategy is a rough draft, and is put together with the idea that the absolute bare minimum amount of people attend. The more people there are, the easier it will be. Ideally, a raid could be assigned to each low population valley, with two or more assigned to valley of strength and two+ more inside hammering Garrosh.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Seeya, I got mine.

Dungeons are good for quite a few things:

-Grinding XP for the next level. and the next. and the next.

-Quests which give shiney new loot, gold, and xp.

-Shiney new loot.

-Reputation. To buy shiney new loot with.

So the question is- what do you do once you've reached your goal? Once you've leveled, or finished picking up all your quest items from the dungeon, or gotten to the reputation that you needed. Do you stick around, finish the dungeon? Or do you bail out?

Too often I've been in a dungeon, grinding along, throwing balls of pewpew into the faces of mobs, moving toward each boss and ultimately the end boss. The group is good, the opposition is dying, the loot is shiney. When suddenly! A person in the group will ding, with the telltale sound echo'd by a couple "Grats!" Usually, the group will continue to tear through the dungeon. Occasionally, the recipent of the ding will have popped smoke before the "grats!" can even be delivered. Sometimes, they'll bail out in the middle of a pull. Or two or three or full pulls. Not really a problem if it's just a DPS class. But when the tank or heals do this, a normally mundane run becomes suddenly hectic.

I can somewhat understand why- Once you gotten what you wanted, any further effort is a waste of time and energy without any benefit to you. However, it is also exceptionally rude to simply bail out of a run without any excuse or apology, especially if you're a needed class and in the middle of any pull.